[libhid-discuss] libhid and pithon-hid
Alberto Garau
2011-02-23 08:03:48 UTC

currently I'm working on the port of a stack of software including libhid and pithon-hid.
I have a little doubt.

From my linux Fedora PC I can see:


and then


The first one is the classical libhid installed through "yum install libhid" while the second one is a python wrapper to libhid.

My question is if libhid.so and _hid.so are the same thing or there is a difference. If there is a difference between them as I think, where can I find the source code for _hid.so ?

Thanks in advance

Alberto Garau

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Charles Lepple
2011-02-23 12:26:48 UTC
Note, please subscribe to the list before posting:
Post by Alberto Garau
currently I'm working on the port of a stack of software including libhid and pithon-hid.
I have a little doubt.
and then
The first one is the classical libhid installed through "yum install
libhid" while the second one is a python wrapper to libhid.
My question is if libhid.so and _hid.so are the same thing or there
is a difference.
I think you answered your question in the previous paragraph.
Post by Alberto Garau
If there is a difference between them as I think, where can I find
the source code for _hid.so ?
It is generated from swig/hid.i.

More info in the swig/README file.
Alberto Garau
2011-02-23 13:48:01 UTC

currently I'm working on the port of a stack of software including libhid and pithon-hid.
I have a little doubt.

From my linux Fedora PC I can see:


and then


The first one is the classical libhid installed through "yum install libhid" while the second one is a python wrapper to libhid.

My question is if libhid.so and _hid.so are the same thing or there is a difference. If there is a difference between them as I think, where can I find the source code for _hid.so ?

Thanks in advance

Alberto Garau

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