[libhid-discuss] libhid with libusb 1.0
Xiaofan Chen
2010-02-20 02:42:26 UTC
Glad to hear it. It's unfortunate that we're stuck with all of the HID
layers of abstraction just to make it easier to talk to USB devices on older
versions of Windows (without a custom driver).
Now that libusb-1.0 has a working Windows HID backend, will you
consider moving libhid to libusb 1.0? libusb 1.0 is now working
under Linux, Mac OS X (no HID backend yet) and Windows.

http://www.libusb.org/wiki/windows_backend (code frozen now)

I am thinking this might be the easiest way to get libhid working
under Windows.
Xiaofan http://mcuee.blogspot.com
Charles Lepple
2010-02-20 03:40:27 UTC
Post by Xiaofan Chen
Glad to hear it. It's unfortunate that we're stuck with all of the HID
layers of abstraction just to make it easier to talk to USB devices on older
versions of Windows (without a custom driver).
Now that libusb-1.0 has a working Windows HID backend, will you
consider moving libhid to libusb 1.0? libusb 1.0 is now working
under Linux, Mac OS X (no HID backend yet) and Windows.
I probably won't have the time to do it, but that shouldn't stop
anyone else.

libhid 0.2 is inextricably tied to the libusb 0.1 API. The next
version should be a rewrite, and should probably be done by someone
who has used libusb 1.0 more than I have.
